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- ; this source is a bit more complex. It does the following:
- ; left mousebutton: add 1 to the backgroundcolor (hardware register)
- ; right mousebutton: add 1 to the textcolor (also hardware register)
- ; if you press both buttons, the program will quit.
- ; we check the pressing of the buttons this way:
- ; - move 0 to D0
- ; - left button -> add 1 to D0
- ; - right button -> add 2 to D0
- ; - now, if D0 is 0, no button was pressed
- ; - if D0 is 1, left button pressed
- ; - if D0 is 2, right MB pressed
- ; - if D0 is 3, both buttons pressed !!
- ; this may look complex, but think about it ! it's the simplest way!
- ; If a button is pressed or not can be seen in (again) some hardware
- ; registers. As you see: these addresses are pretty often used, and
- ; lists are indispendable !!
- ; please note: this program adds 1 to the color each time it passes
- ; the loop. If you run the program, you can imagine the speed of
- ; the processor... the colors are changed ca a million times/second
- top: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; save regs
- loop:
- clr.l d0 ; move zeros to d0
- checkleft:
- btst #6,$bfe001 ; check left button
- bne.s checkright ; not pressed -> checkright
- add.l #1,d0 ; pressed -> add 1 to d0
- checkright:
- btst #10,$dff016 ; this is how you check RMB
- bne.s selectaction ; not pressed -> selectact.
- add.l #2,d0 ; pressed -> add 2 to d0
- selectaction:
- cmp.l #1,d0 ; d0 = 1 ?
- beq backgroundflash ; yes it is !!
- cmp.l #2,d0 ; d0 = 2 ?
- beq textflash ; yes it is !!
- cmp.l #3,d0 ; d0 = 3 ?
- beq endofprogram ; yes it is !!
- bra loop ; go back to LOOP
- endofprogram:
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rts
- backgroundflash:
- add.w #1,$dff180 ; the WORD at $dff180 contains the
- ; backgroundcolor (see lists)
- bra loop
- textflash:
- add.w #1,$dff182 ; the WORD at $dff182 contains the
- ; textcolor (see also list)
- bra loop
- ; this program is very badly written. In example 6, you'll see a
- ; good version of it, which is much more structured, and thus
- ; much better readable. You should try to be structured when
- ; you write a program.